Monday, 19 August 2013

Randolph’s Ferry – Union Battle Orders

Rosecran's General Orders – It is my intention to move the army to a holding position on a line from Black Elk Mountain (McCook) to West Ridge (Crittenden) by the evening of November 10th. The following day an attack will be launched directly south towards Franklin by McCook supported by Thomas. Crittenden will pin the enemy to his front and will join in the attack if required. The town of Franklin will be in our hands by the evening of November 11th!

Kennet’s Cavalry Division – Move as quickly as possible along the Nashville Turnpike towards Mt. Zion Church and thence along the Old Pine Trail to Franklin. If any enemy cavalry are encountered you are to ENGAGE and push them back. If infantry forces are encountered you are to dismount and HOLD the enemy for as long as possible to allow our infantry time to come up.

McCook’s Corps – You are to move across country following a route south of Judah’s Hill to join the Nashville Turnpike and then move on to Mt. Zion Church. If no enemy infantry forces are encountered you will push on along the Old Pine Trail and occupy Franklin. If the enemy is present in strength you will attempt to occupy a defensive line centred on Black Elk Mountain and HOLD.

Crittenden’s Corps – Follow the Danville Road to the Conrad House. If no enemy infantry forces are observed you should advance and occupy West Ridge and HOLD. If the enemy is in a position to contest any advance you will form a line from Laurel Heights to link with McCook’s Corps at Mt. Zion Church and HOLD.

Thomas’ Corps – You will move across country towards Henrick’s Farm allowing McCook’s men to clear the Danville Road before proceeding. You will then deploy in RESERVE formation in the fields to the east of Mt. Zion Church. Army HQ and the Wagon Park will be established at Mt. Zion Church.

To view the map of the battlefield click here.