Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Invasion Maryland - HPS Campaign

Dave and I are embarking on a game based on the invasion of Maryland in 1862 using a modified version of “Campaign Antietam” by HPS. Dave uses the game editor to create his own scenario and OOB which we then fight as a play-by-email affair. These games can take up to six months to play as the maps and forces involved are vast and I will be recording highlights here as we go along.

September 12th, 1862 – Lee has brought the Army of Northern Virginia up the Shenandoah Valley to cross the Potomac and invade Maryland. McClellan’s Union Army is approaching the passes at South Mountain but as the campaign begins, he has no knowledge of Lee’s precise whereabouts. His most recent intelligence is a garbled and unreliable telegraph report of Confederate troops marching north through Martinsburg. Lincoln is worried by Lee’s bold move and has ordered McClellan to allow the Rebels no freedom to manoeuvre on Northern soil, and to crush them decisively while the world is watching ….

There are several sites on the Maryland road network that will provide modest VPs to the Confederates – the most valuable is Hagerstown for 60 VPs.

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