Friday, 10 May 2024

Gettysburg Solo Turns 1-2

I managed to play the first couple of game turns last night. It was slow progress as I had to set out the figures and add unit labels and also read and get to grips with the rules(!). The action of course starts with the Confederate advance against Buford's cavalry at the Seminary.

Heth's division ready to attack Buford's dismounted troopers defending the Seminary. The Iron brigade is supporting Buford's left flank, these are the first men to arrive from Reynolds I corps who are coming on the scene piecemeal along the turnpike from Gettysburg. The time is 11.00am July 1st.
Devin's brigade is on the left with Gamble on the opposite side of the horse artillery battery. These cavalry brigades have the same fire-power as infantry but are weaker in strength and cannot hope to hold unsupported for long.
At the end of turn 1 Heth has pushed his men forward to engage the Union line in a firefight. At this stage his orders do not allow an assault and he'll need to pass an initiative test to attempt this next turn. 
Archers brigade have become shaken (yellow counter) and Heth rides forward to steady the line. I'd forgotten just how quick and brutal these rules are - fun to play though!
The die by the horse artillery battery shows its current available ammunition. When the ammo runs out the battery must withdraw to the nearest supply wagon to replenish.
Turn 2 and this is no picnic for Heth but at least Pender's division (bottom right) is starting to arrive in support.
Buford rides forward to steady Gamble who would have become shaken without his presence. Unfortunately a stray minnie ball has found its mark and Buford tumbles from his saddle (red marker denotes leader KIA).

At the same moment Heth is trying to steady Davis and receives a wound (denoted by the yellow marker) that will remove him from the battle. Commanders are graded A, B and C and when removed the command base can still function but only at C grade. I'll have to be a bit more careful with the commanders as the game progresses!
The end of the 11.30am turn and Union reinforcements are converging on Gettysburg. XI corps are on the Tanneytown road with the head of the column just entering the town. The remainder of Reynolds I corps are nearing the Seminary.

So it's off to a good start and already becoming gripping from my point of view. I'm having to use more counters and unit labels than normal as it is the only way to keep on top of things without resorting to paperwork which would be tedious with over 50 units to control. With luck I could manage 4-5 turns per session but we'll see how things progress.


  1. Very evocative of the film, I half expected a photo of Reynolds and his staff galloping up ahead of his Corps with his corps flag flying in the breeze to the accompaniment of sighs and mopping of brows by Buford.

    1. I’ll try and get that shot for you next time!

  2. A very fine start, great to see the figures on that lovely table. The game has started off well, interesting to see the next turns.

    1. Thanks Donnie, there will be over 2,000 figures when all are on the table!

  3. Played lots of Gettysburg PBEM computer games as the Rebs – Buford is a real frustration, I can never quite manage to drive him back as fast as I want to. I notice you have markers denoting each units current ‘orders’ – a great idea for a solo game.

    1. The markers are the only way I can keep track of so many units without resorting to paperwork. It does make the table look a bit cluttered though.

  4. Buford is dead!
    I regard him as an officer who deserves more credit that just his performance at Gettysburg.
    Interestingly (or not) I am currently painting him in 15mm scale.

    1. Shouldn’t you be working on him in 200mm? Just saying…

    2. That should of course be 20mm - 200mm would be fun though!

  5. A good looking and sounding start to the battle Ian…

    All the best. Aly
